Domestic Edge

Creative parenting, house-shaping, and community-building. (Mostly) former riot grrrl, still young-ish and not ready to buy into the whitewashed suburban dream just yet – or ever.  Based in Durham, N.C.
Posts are fairly unorganized and may fall into the following buckets:
  • domesticity with color and flair – could be steampunk, mid-century modern, comic book art, monster-themed, or whatever strikes the mood (when the mood is pure glee)
  • raising cool kids with minds of their own, and how to warp their little brains in the right (or at least the most interesting) ways
  • making (or discovering) art and craft, music, etc. (especially fiber-related)
  • participating in creative community -it takes a village of strange and wonderful individuals to make up a decent network of parents and friends
  • hippie/pagan practices like aromatherapy and herbalism
  • natural, organic living, cooking, etc. – maybe a homesteading thing or two, but I’m not disciplined enough to do it consistently, let alone write about it often (my garden died a horrible death, and my friends’ chickens keep getting eaten by foxes)
  • possibly occasional posts about personal style when it suits, a la the ever-elusive perfect tee shirt

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